The Bewdley Spirit Company

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you have any questions not already answered below, please see the contact us page on this website.

Q.   Can we arrange to visit the distillery?

A.    Unfortunately not. The distillery is very small and its not yet possible to arrange site visits. But, we hope to be able to do this in the future, so please check for updates.

Q.   Where can we try your products?

A.    You can try our products at the Bewdley Brewery Tap Room, which can be found at Lax Lane, Bewdley, Worcestershire, DY12 2DZ.

Q.   Can we order your products online?

A.    Yes, please click on the Shop Now button on the home page of this website.

Q.   How many different types of spirit do you produce?

A.    Please refer to our Products page on this website for a full list of spirits available.